If you use Cargo-Generate to build your project, you can skip this!
Cargo Generate is a recommend way!
Config SurrealismUI as Library (optional)
- Open VsCode and choose Settings , then search
Slint:Library Paths
- Choose edit in settings.json
- Find
and add"SurrealismUI":"parent_file_path\\surrealism-ui\\index.slint"
"slint.libraryPaths": {

Import and Use
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { import { SMenu,SCard,SHeader,SIcon,SButton } from "../index.slint"; import {UseIcons } from "../use/index.slint"; import { STip } from "../src/tip/index.slint"; import { STag } from "../src/tag/index.slint"; import { SAlert } from "../src/alert/index.slint"; export component App inherits Window { height: 600px; width: 800px; private property <int> router-index : 0; HorizontalLayout { left-wrapper:=Rectangle { z: 111; height: 100%; width: menu.width; clip: false; menu:=SMenu { change(index,data) => { debug(index); } } } right-wrapper:=Rectangle { z: 100; width: parent.width - menu.width; background: #2b2b32; if router-index==0:index-page:= Rectangle { height: 100%; width: 100%; VerticalLayout { HorizontalLayout { padding: 8px; alignment: center; Rectangle { height:header.height ; width: parent.width - 16px; header:=SHeader { value: [{label:"SurrealismUI",value:"1"},{label:"menu:Index",value:"2"}]; } } } HorizontalLayout { padding: 24px; alignment: space-around; STag { theme: Warning; text: "SurrealismUI V0.3.3"; } STag { theme: Success; text: "MIT License"; } STag { theme: Error; text: "For Slint!"; } STag { theme: Error; text: "author:syf20020816@outlook.com"; } } HorizontalLayout { alignment: center; SCard { card-width: 460px; card-height: 320px; SIcon { height: parent.height; width: parent.width; source: @image-url("../README/imgs/logo.png"); } } } HorizontalLayout { padding: 24px; alignment: space-around; SButton { text: "Try SurrealismUI"; clicked => { alert.success("Try SurrealismUI!!! Let's GO!"); } } SButton { show-icon: true; icon: UseIcons.icons.Smiling-face; theme: Primary; text: "Star on Github!"; } STip { text: "GO TO SurrealismUI WIKI?\n Click here!"; height: wiki-btn.height; width: wiki-btn.width; position: Bottom; wiki-btn:=SButton { theme: Success; text: "Read Wiki!~~~"; clicked => { parent.clicked(); } } } } } } } } alert:=SAlert { result-type: Success; text: ""; } } }