
A numeric input component that inherits from SCard, designed for inputting numerical values within a specified range. It allows adjustments through increment and decrement actions.


fn main() {
import { SNumberInput } from "../../index.slint";

component TestNumberInput {
    height: 400px;
    width: 400px;
    HorizontalLayout {
        alignment: center;
        VerticalLayout {
            spacing: 8px;
            alignment: center;
            Text {text:"easy";font-size: 16px;}
            SNumberInput {}
            Text {text:"set step but not strict";font-size: 16px;}
            SNumberInput {
                theme: Primary;
                step: 0.5;
            Text {text:"set step and strict\nvalue can only be mod = 0";font-size: 16px;}
            SNumberInput {
                value: 1.5;
                theme: Light;
                strict: true;
                step: 0.5;
                unexpect(num) => {
                    debug("unexpected number:" + num);
            Text {text:"disabled";font-size: 16px;}
            SNumberInput {
                disabled: true;


  • in-out property <float> minimum: The minimum value that the input can hold, default set to 0.
  • in-out property <float> maximum: The maximum value that the input can hold, default set to 100.
  • in-out property <float> value: The current numerical value of the input, initialized at 0.
  • in-out property <bool> disabled: A boolean indicating whether the input is disabled (non-interactive), default set to false.
  • in property <float> step: The step increment or decrement applied when adjusting the value, set to 1.0.
  • in property <bool> strict: A boolean to enforce strict bounds. If true, inputs outside of the min-max range are not accepted.
  • in-out property <InputType> input-type: Defines the type of numerical input allowed (e.g., integer, decimal), set to InputType.decimal.


  • public function up(): Increases the input's value by the step size unless it exceeds the maximum limit or the input is disabled.
  • public function down(): Decreases the input's value by the step size unless it is less than the minimum limit or the input is disabled.


  • callback accepted(float): Triggered when a new value is input and accepted within the valid range.
  • callback changed(float): Triggered every time the value is changed through user interaction.
  • callback unexpect(float): Triggered when an input is provided that does not conform to the specified restrictions (if strict is true).