SurrealismUI ComponentSchema

export global ComponentSchema {}

ComponentSchema is a global which can export all default SurrealismUI widget prop

you can use this global to generate half dyn widget


In this example, we use SButtonProps to make a error-btn and then send into DynWidget. Since SButtonProps is a property description of SButton, SButton can use the passed in properties to change its own properties at will

It can let you change widget props easily when use Rust, C++, JS

fn main() {
import { ComponentSchema } from "../../../themes/index.slint";
import { SButtonProps, Themes } from "../../../use/index.slint";
import { SButton } from "../../../index.slint";

component DynWidget {
    in property <[SButtonProps]> btns;
    VerticalLayout {
      spacing: 20px;
        text: "Dynamic Widget: Buttons";
      for btn in btns: SButton {
        text: btn.text;
        theme: btn.theme;

export component TestDyn inherits Window {
  height: 400px;
  width: 400px;
  in property <SButtonProps> error-btn: {
    text:"Error Button",
    theme: Themes.Error
  DynWidget {
    btns: [
