SResult(结果组件) | SResult helps you easily build a quick prompt , you can build it in popup window |
SPopup(弹出框组件) | A masked popup layer appears in the current window.And users will not be able to use the popup layer to cover the components under it.Clicking on the popup layer again will close it |
STip(提示组件) | A tip provides supplemental, contextual information elevated near its target component |
SLoading(加载组件) | This is a loading component that you can embed anywhere you want to add a loading animation |
SDialog(对话框组件) | SDialogs are used to confirm messages or events and display text |
SDrawer(抽屉组件) | Sometimes, the Dialogue component does not meet our needs.Such as your form being too long, or if you need to temporarily display some documents, please use the SDrawer |
SAlert(通知组件) | SAlert is used to display important prompt information on the page |
SPopover(气泡卡片组件) | A customizable popover component designed to display contextual information or interactive content, attached to an element and floating above the UI. It supports various positions and can be shown or hidden programmatically. |