This is a basic input box, often used in forms, divided into two types: text and password
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { import {SText,SInput,SButton, SIcon,SPopup} from "../../index.slint"; import {Themes} from "../../use/index.slint"; import { TextEdit , LineEdit} from "std-widgets.slint"; import { Invoke } from "./invoke_input.slint"; export component TestInput inherits Window { height: 500px; width: 600px; p:=SPopup { Invoke {} } SInput{ y: 20px; placeholder :"please enter your username"; card-width:300px; clearable: true; text:"SurrealismUI - input"; accepted(res)=>{ debug("content in input:" + res);; } changed(change-res)=>{ debug(change-res); } } w:=SInput{ y: 80px; theme:Themes.Success; type:InputType.password; password:true; } SInput{ y: 140px; card-width: 20rem; theme:Themes.Error; disabled:true; text:"disabled"; } SInput{ y: 200px; card-width: 18rem; theme:Themes.Dark; } SInput{ y: 260px; card-width: 160px; theme:Themes.Warning; clearable:true; } SInput{ y: 320px; card-width: 18rem; theme:Themes.Info; type:InputType.text; clearable:true; password:true; text:"test password"; } } }
- in property
font-weight : font weight for input - in property
placeholder: default placeholder which you wanna show when no text - in property
theme: Surrealism themes - in property
input-width: Please do not use width to adjust the length of the input box , use this property to instead - in property
font-size: font size - in property
disabled: can input be edited - in property
clearable: can input be cleared - in property
password: can the password input display the password - out property
has-focus : input is focused or not - private property
placeholder-color : placeholder color - in-out property
type : input type (text or password) - in-out property
font-color : font color - in-out property
icon-color : icon color - in-out property
text : the text of the input
- pure public function get() ->string : get text
- public function set(text:string) : set text
- public function clear() : clear text
- public function select-all() : select all
- public function clear-selection() : clears the selection
- public function cut() : copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes it from the editable area
- public function copy() : copies the selected text to the clipboard
- public function paste() : pastes the text text of the clipboard at the cursor position
- callback accepted(string) : run when pressed down enter key
- callback changed(string) : run when text changed