SDialogs are used to confirm messages or events and display text
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { import {SDialog,SButton,STable,STableColumn} from "../../index.slint"; import {Themes} from "../../use/index.slint"; component TestDialog inherits Window { height: 600px; width: 600px; background: #535353; SButton { text: "show"; clicked => {; } } p:=SDialog { dialog-details : ""; confirm-btn-theme: Success; dialog-width:80%; dialog-height:52%; dialog-title: "Surrealism Dialog Title"; dialog-title-size: 20px; dialog-details-padding-top : 16px; // do after confirm btn clicked viewport-height : dialog-detail.height; // viewport-width : dialog-detail.width; confirm=>{ debug("confirm btn clicked~!") } dialog-detail:=Rectangle { height: 200px; } } } }
- in property
theme : Dialog mask theme - in property
cancel-btn-theme : Dialog cancel button theme - in property
confirm-btn-theme : Dialog confirm button theme - in property
cancel-btn-text : Dialog cancel button text - in property
confirm-btn-text : Dialog confirm button text - in-out property
is-show: Dialog is show or not - in property
mask-opacity : Dialog mask opacity - in property
spacing : Dialog spacing - in property
font-weight : Dialog text font weight - in property
font-size: Dialog text font size; - in property
font-color : Dialog text font color; - in property
font-italic : Dialog text font italic; - in property
font-family : Dialog text font family; - in property
dialog-theme : Dialog theme - in property
dialog-title : Dialog title - in property
dialog-title-size : Dialog title size - in property
dialog-details : Dialog detail text - in property
dialog-height : Dialog height - in property
dialog-title-height : Dialog title height - in property
dialog-view-height : Dialog view height - in property
btn-view-height : Dialog button view height - in property
dialog-width : Dialog width - in property
dialog-details-padding-top: Dialog details padding top - in property
dialog-details-padding-bottom: Dialog details padding bottom - in property
dialog-details-padding-left: Dialog details padding left - in property
dialog-details-padding-right: Dialog details padding right - in property
padding-type: Dialog padding type - in property
shadow-type: Dialog shadow type - in property
border-type : Dialog border type - in property
viewport-height : Dialog viewport height - in property
viewport-width : Dialog viewport width - in property
dialog-details-alignment: Dialog details alignment
- public function open() : open dialog
- public function close() : close dialog
- callback confirm() : run after confirm button click
- callback cancel() : run after cancel button click