pure public function is-leap-year(year: int) -> bool
: is leap year or not
pure public function get-days(year: int, month: int, day: int) -> int
: zeller algorithm to get days in week
pure public function get-weekday(year: int, month: int, day: int) -> int
zeller algorithm to get days in week (recommend)
pure public function count-height(h:length,padding:length)->length
: count component height
pure public function count-width(w:length,padding:length)->length
: count component weight
pure public function get-padding(size:PaddingType)->PaddingProps
: get padding by PaddingType
pure public function get-shadow(shadow:ShadowType)->ShadowProps
: get shadow by ShadowType
pure public function get-shadow-x(shadow:ShadowType)->length
: get shadow x by ShadowType
pure public function get-shadow-y(shadow:ShadowType)->length
: get shadow y by ShadowType
pure public function get-shadow-blur(shadow:ShadowType)->length
: get shadow blur by ShadowType
pure public function get-border(border:BorderType)->BorderProps
: get border by BorderType
pure public function get-space(w:length) -> length
: get spacing by component width
pure public function deeper(theme:Themes,color:brush)->brush
: get deeper theme color
pure public function light-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper light theme color
pure public function primary-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper primary theme color
pure public function success-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper success theme color
pure public function info-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper info theme color
pure public function warning-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper warning theme color
pure public function error-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper error theme color
pure public function dark-deeper(color:brush)->brush
: get deeper dark theme color
pure public function get-color(theme:Themes,level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get color by theme and ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-light(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get light color by ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-dark(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get dark color by ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-primary(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get primary color by ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-info(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get info color by ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-warning(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get warning color by ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-success(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get success color by ColorLevel
pure public function get-color-error(level:ColorLevel)->brush
: get error color by ColorLevel